New City Residents Enroll In Ann Arbor High School, August 1946

Published In
Ann Arbor News, August 27, 1946
ENROLL AT HIGH SCHOOL: Students new to the public schools here began enrollment in Ann Arbor High school yesterday for the fall term starting Sept. 9. Conferring with Ben Reed of the high school faculty are (from left to right) Jacqueline Majewski, a sophomore, who has come here from Chicago; Eleanor Osborn, also a sophomore, from Los Angeles, Calif.; and Clarke Rogers, a senior, from Birmingham.
Ann Arbor News, August 27, 1946
ENROLL AT HIGH SCHOOL: Students new to the public schools here began enrollment in Ann Arbor High school yesterday for the fall term starting Sept. 9. Conferring with Ben Reed of the high school faculty are (from left to right) Jacqueline Majewski, a sophomore, who has come here from Chicago; Eleanor Osborn, also a sophomore, from Los Angeles, Calif.; and Clarke Rogers, a senior, from Birmingham.
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