Ann Arbor High School Homecoming Queen Candidates, October 1961

Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 19, 1961
HOMECOMING QUEEN CANDIDATES: These seven Ann Arbor High School girls are candidates for homecoming queen. Name of the winner will be announced tomorrow night during half-time of the football game between the Pioneers and Lansing Eastern. The girls are (left to right) Sue Hogan, a sophomore; Robin Lawrence, a junior; Laura Evans, a sophomore; Judy Smith, a senior; Pam Hogan, a senior; Gail McCormick, a senior, and Sally Sinn, a junior.
Ann Arbor News, October 19, 1961
HOMECOMING QUEEN CANDIDATES: These seven Ann Arbor High School girls are candidates for homecoming queen. Name of the winner will be announced tomorrow night during half-time of the football game between the Pioneers and Lansing Eastern. The girls are (left to right) Sue Hogan, a sophomore; Robin Lawrence, a junior; Laura Evans, a sophomore; Judy Smith, a senior; Pam Hogan, a senior; Gail McCormick, a senior, and Sally Sinn, a junior.
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