Pam Hogan, Ann Arbor High School Homecoming Queen, and Her Court, October 1961

Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 21, 1961
HOMECOMING QUEEN: Pam Hogan (center), an Ann Arbor High School senior, last night was named the school's homecoming queen. Members of her court are sophomores Sue Hogan and Laura Evans (bottom row, left and right); juniors Sally Sinn and Robin Lawrence (middle row, left and right), and seniors Gail McCormick and Judy Smith. Ann Arbor High defeated Lansing Eastern by an 18-14 score.
Ann Arbor News, October 21, 1961
HOMECOMING QUEEN: Pam Hogan (center), an Ann Arbor High School senior, last night was named the school's homecoming queen. Members of her court are sophomores Sue Hogan and Laura Evans (bottom row, left and right); juniors Sally Sinn and Robin Lawrence (middle row, left and right), and seniors Gail McCormick and Judy Smith. Ann Arbor High defeated Lansing Eastern by an 18-14 score.
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