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Ann Arbor High School Junior Varsity Football Team, September 1950

Ann Arbor High School Junior Varsity Football Team, September 1950 image

Members of the Junior Varsity Football team were: Bill Adams, Marvin Baker, Bob Barr, Stan Bielby, Joe Bone, Duane Calvert, Reynold Densmore, Bob Freeland, Dick Freeman, Richard Gibbs, Bill Green, Willard Green, John Harrison, Bob Hensen, Art Hughes, John Kagay, Bob Mattie, Bob Parker, Stanley Clark, Harry Remnant, Jim Mayers, Bob Onago, Frank Pope, Jeff Rentschler, Bruce Rockman, Garth Rowland, Dick Royce, Gary Santure, Leroy Schaible, Guy Sindlinger, Harry Shore, Phil Splitt, Sheridan Springer, Fred Thompson, Chriss Taschcoff, Bill Trudeau, Bill Waltz, Clifford Westerman, Russ Williams.

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