Ann Arbor High School Cross Coach Tim Ryan and Trackster Ken Dyer, May 1964
Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 14, 1964
Momentary Break: Under Coach Tim Ryan (left) the goals are high and the work demanding but there always is a moment for a brief break and a little humor. Ryan and Ken Dyer enjoy one of those pauses during practice at the Ann Arbor High track. Ryan's track teams have won 11 Six-A League championships.
Ann Arbor News, May 14, 1964
Momentary Break: Under Coach Tim Ryan (left) the goals are high and the work demanding but there always is a moment for a brief break and a little humor. Ryan and Ken Dyer enjoy one of those pauses during practice at the Ann Arbor High track. Ryan's track teams have won 11 Six-A League championships.
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