School's Out at Northside, December 1939
Published In
Ann Arbor News, January 6, 1940
See how these northsiders swing down the walk from their new school. With modern, healthful equipment and structure the process of learning is no longer drudgery but a pleasure. The North Side is proud of the splendid building recently occupied and to be dedicated on Monday with a civic celebration. The whole city is pleased that this district has achieved a long-sought goal and has come to recognize that there is one section of the city that has learned to work together for an ideal.
Ann Arbor News, January 6, 1940
See how these northsiders swing down the walk from their new school. With modern, healthful equipment and structure the process of learning is no longer drudgery but a pleasure. The North Side is proud of the splendid building recently occupied and to be dedicated on Monday with a civic celebration. The whole city is pleased that this district has achieved a long-sought goal and has come to recognize that there is one section of the city that has learned to work together for an ideal.
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