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Cherie Lockett Is Huron High School's Homecoming Queen, October 1970

Cherie Lockett Is Huron High School's Homecoming Queen, October 1970 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 24, 1970
Huron High Queen: Cherie Lockett gave in to excitement at the Huron High football game last night when it was announced at half-time that she had been chosen Homecoming Queen. Cherie, 17, is the daughter of School Board president and Mrs. Harold J. Lockett of 319 Brookside Dr. Cherie has been a member of the Huron High Modern Dance Club, Theatre Guild, Forensic Club and Cantando Choir. She was also publicity chairman for the high school Civil Rights Committee and ENACT group, and was a Student Council representative. The Huron High team won its homecoming game.

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