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All-City Football Team, November 1959

All-City Football Team, November 1959 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 19, 1959
Top Row, Standing: Bob Ufer, sports director WPAG; Dave Griffin, UHS; Dempsey Taylor, AAHS; Dick Burch, St. THS; Bill Orr, AAHS; Jay Stielstra, Coach AAHS; Jack Stovall, Coach UHS. Bottom Row, seated: Bill Prakken, UHS; Wayne Meyers, AAHS; Jim Mitchell, AAHS; Fred Matzinger, AAHS; Brenk Shelton, St. THS; Dennis Sakstrup, AAHS; Pete Andrews, UHS. These boys will be interviewed in person, by sportscenter Tom Wight on WPAG Saturday morning, Nov. 21, at 11:30. Each member will receive a silver football.

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