Dr. Emerson F. Greenman with remains of early American Indians found on Ellsworth Rd., September 1952

Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 9, 1952
Dr. Emerson F. Greenman, of the University department of anthropology, inspects a thigh bone of an early American Indian uncovered yesterday on Ellsworth Rd. Beneath the skull in the foreground is a pelvic bone. Dr. Greenman, who inspected the three skulls and various bones unearthed, believes there was an Indian village here before the discover of America.
Ann Arbor News, September 9, 1952
Dr. Emerson F. Greenman, of the University department of anthropology, inspects a thigh bone of an early American Indian uncovered yesterday on Ellsworth Rd. Beneath the skull in the foreground is a pelvic bone. Dr. Greenman, who inspected the three skulls and various bones unearthed, believes there was an Indian village here before the discover of America.
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