ENACT Member Joellen Ahlgren Presents Recycling Petition To Barbara Lutz, October 1970
Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 4, 1970
Petitions Bring Pressure - Petitions are one form of pressure Mrs. David Ahlgren, left, and other members of Consumers for ENACT (CFENACT) use. Mrs. Richard Lutz signs one to get reluctant supermarkets to stock returnable bottles. CFENACT also wants grocery stores to eliminate needless food packaging, particularly in their produce departments.
Ann Arbor News, October 4, 1970
Petitions Bring Pressure - Petitions are one form of pressure Mrs. David Ahlgren, left, and other members of Consumers for ENACT (CFENACT) use. Mrs. Richard Lutz signs one to get reluctant supermarkets to stock returnable bottles. CFENACT also wants grocery stores to eliminate needless food packaging, particularly in their produce departments.
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