Polio Vaccine Consent Forms Prepared By Washtenaw County Volunteers, April 1955

Published In
Ann Arbor News, April 21, 1955
Vaccine Consent Slips Prepared: Assembling materials on the Salk polio vaccine for mailing to Washtenaw county parents are these volunteer workers (left to right), Mrs. Ray Towler of 579 Kennedy St., Mrs. Donald Holloway of 935 Hawthorn St., and Mrs. Otto Hammerland of 309 Arnet St., all of Ypsilanti, and Mrs. James Nichols of 1502 Morton St., Ann Arbor, who was in charge of the project. Included in the mailing were consent slips parents must sign to allow their children to be vaccinated. Work was done last night in Tappan Junior High School cafeteria.
Ann Arbor News, April 21, 1955
Vaccine Consent Slips Prepared: Assembling materials on the Salk polio vaccine for mailing to Washtenaw county parents are these volunteer workers (left to right), Mrs. Ray Towler of 579 Kennedy St., Mrs. Donald Holloway of 935 Hawthorn St., and Mrs. Otto Hammerland of 309 Arnet St., all of Ypsilanti, and Mrs. James Nichols of 1502 Morton St., Ann Arbor, who was in charge of the project. Included in the mailing were consent slips parents must sign to allow their children to be vaccinated. Work was done last night in Tappan Junior High School cafeteria.
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