Kay Dohm and and Georgina M. Nichols with first shipment of Salk polio vaccine for Washtenaw county first and second graders, April 1955

Published In
Ann Arbor News, April 19, 1955
IT'S HERE: The Salk polio vaccine for Washtenaw county's first and second graders arrived here yesterday in the arms of Miss Kay Dohm (left), of the County Health Department, and Mrs. James A. Nichols, volunteer worker for the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The pair brought the vaccine here from Lansing. These six boxes and another half-box contain enough vaccine to inoculate some 6,000 children. Although 7,000 Washtenaw county first and second graders are eligible for the vaccine, an estimated 10 per cent of parents, for various reasons, will not give consent for their children to be inoculated.
Ann Arbor News, April 19, 1955
IT'S HERE: The Salk polio vaccine for Washtenaw county's first and second graders arrived here yesterday in the arms of Miss Kay Dohm (left), of the County Health Department, and Mrs. James A. Nichols, volunteer worker for the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The pair brought the vaccine here from Lansing. These six boxes and another half-box contain enough vaccine to inoculate some 6,000 children. Although 7,000 Washtenaw county first and second graders are eligible for the vaccine, an estimated 10 per cent of parents, for various reasons, will not give consent for their children to be inoculated.
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