President's Birthday Ball Committee, January 1936

Ann Arbor News, January 29, 1936
President's Birthday Ball Committee Meets -- The group supervising arrangements for the celebration of the President's Birthday Ball in the Intramural Sports building tomorrow night met in Mayor Robert A. Campbell's office in the City Hall last night to complete plans for the big charity ball. Seated Is Mrs. Earl H. Cress. Standing, left to right, are D. B. Conley, Dean Walter B. Rea, Frank B. DeVine, Dr. Harley A. Haynes, E. C. Pardon, Herbert G. Watkins, general chairman, Arthur W. Stace, Mayor Robert A. Campbell and Dr. Max M. Peet.
In 1934 a group launched the National Committee for Birthday Balls that sponsored a dance in every town across the nation, both to celebrate President Franklin D. Roosevelt's birthday and to raise money for the Georgia Warm Springs Foundation for research and treatment of Infantile Paralysis. The Birthday Balls raised about a million dollars per year, with contributions split between the Warm Springs Foundation and the local communities where the balls were held.
Second from right is Ann Arbor Mayor Robert Campbell. Third from right is Arthur Stace, Editor of the Ann Arbor Daily News. Second from left is Walter B. Rea who later became the University of Michigan Dean of Men - Wystan Stevens
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University of Michigan - Faculty & Staff
Ann Arbor News
Ann Arbor - Mayor
Ann Arbor News
Old News
Walter B. Rea
Robert A. Campbell
Mrs. Earl H. Cress
Max M. Peet
Herbert G. Watkins
Harley A. Haynes
Frank B. DeVine
Edward C. Pardon
D. B. Conley
Arthur W. Stace
Eck Stanger