Alumnae Of Ohio's Western College Of Women Meet In Ann Arbor, April 1938

Published In
Ann Arbor News, April 4, 1938
WESTERN COLLEGE GIRLS ATTEND ALUMNAE ORGANIZATION: Alumnae of Western college at Oxford, O., of this vicinity had luncheon Saturday in the Michigan League with the national alumnae president, Mrs. Mary Holiday Shuler of Detroit, and Miss Virginia Harrison of the college faculty, to organize a chapter here. Miss Jane Brown of Brockman Blvd. and Miss Margaret May at Geddes Ave. who are students at the college, were invited. Above from left to right are Miss May, Miss Harrison, Mrs. Shuler and Miss Brown.
Ann Arbor News, April 4, 1938
WESTERN COLLEGE GIRLS ATTEND ALUMNAE ORGANIZATION: Alumnae of Western college at Oxford, O., of this vicinity had luncheon Saturday in the Michigan League with the national alumnae president, Mrs. Mary Holiday Shuler of Detroit, and Miss Virginia Harrison of the college faculty, to organize a chapter here. Miss Jane Brown of Brockman Blvd. and Miss Margaret May at Geddes Ave. who are students at the college, were invited. Above from left to right are Miss May, Miss Harrison, Mrs. Shuler and Miss Brown.
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