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Carnival Committee Members Attend Rehearsal Of Ann Arbor Figure Skating Club 'Melody On Ice' Show, March 1959

Carnival Committee Members Attend Rehearsal Of Ann Arbor Figure Skating Club 'Melody On Ice' Show, March 1959 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 10, 1959
CARNIVAL COMMITTEE: Members of the carnival committee of the Ann Arbor Figure Skating Club, who are planning the annual "Melody on Ice," attend a rehearsal at the Michigan Ice Rink where this year's show will be presented at 8 p.m. on Saturday and at 3 p.m. on Sunday. Committee members are (left to right) C. Edward Woodruff, Mrs. Kent Leach, Mrs. Merle Lawrence, Mrs. Carl Raab, William Stegath and Merle Lawrence. Two committee members, Mrs. J. T. Banchero and Mrs. Louis Graff, were absent.

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