Ann Arbor Junior Tennis Tournament Champions, August 1962
Published In
Ann Arbor News, August 3, 1962
CITY CHAMPS ALL: It's a happy group of young Ann Arbor tennis players gathered here after winning titles in the Recreation-Department-sponsored Junior Tournament. Standing at top, left to right, are George Smillie, Lynn Miller, and Joe Huber. Kneeling are Shari Brown and Kippy Pritula. Immediately back of Terry Brown (front) are John Brummet, Jim Neel and Rick Weir.
Ann Arbor News, August 3, 1962
CITY CHAMPS ALL: It's a happy group of young Ann Arbor tennis players gathered here after winning titles in the Recreation-Department-sponsored Junior Tournament. Standing at top, left to right, are George Smillie, Lynn Miller, and Joe Huber. Kneeling are Shari Brown and Kippy Pritula. Immediately back of Terry Brown (front) are John Brummet, Jim Neel and Rick Weir.
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