Ann Arbor Civic Theatre Cast Hams It Up In 'Life With Mother,' October 1951

Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 12, 1951
Seeming to pose for an old-time family portrait is this sextet of Ann Arbor Civic Theatre actors who will appear tomorrow night in the organization's production of "Life With Mother" at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Waiting for the flash and boom of the old-style camera in the front row (left to right) are Shirley Loeblich, Jim Wessinger and Otis Hardy. Behind them (left to right) are Ronny Muchnick, Dick Shew and Carl Conrad.
Ann Arbor News, October 12, 1951
Seeming to pose for an old-time family portrait is this sextet of Ann Arbor Civic Theatre actors who will appear tomorrow night in the organization's production of "Life With Mother" at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Waiting for the flash and boom of the old-style camera in the front row (left to right) are Shirley Loeblich, Jim Wessinger and Otis Hardy. Behind them (left to right) are Ronny Muchnick, Dick Shew and Carl Conrad.
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