Ann Arbor Civic Theatre Awards Winners, June 1952

Published In
Ann Arbor News, June 9, 1952
Civic Theater 'Oscar' Winners Named - These eight members of the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre received "oscars" Saturday night in recognition of services to the organization. Recipients (left to right) were Jerry M. Scofield, chosen as the man who contributed the most to the Civic Theatre during the past year; Miss Louise Kempf, woman who contributed most; Alex Azary, best supporting actor; Ruth Livingston, best actress; Kenneth MacDonald, best actor; Ted Heusel, director of "Holiday," chosen best play of the season; and Bette Ellis and Mrs. Evelyn Gregory, who shared the award as best supporting actress.
Ann Arbor News, June 9, 1952
Civic Theater 'Oscar' Winners Named - These eight members of the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre received "oscars" Saturday night in recognition of services to the organization. Recipients (left to right) were Jerry M. Scofield, chosen as the man who contributed the most to the Civic Theatre during the past year; Miss Louise Kempf, woman who contributed most; Alex Azary, best supporting actor; Ruth Livingston, best actress; Kenneth MacDonald, best actor; Ted Heusel, director of "Holiday," chosen best play of the season; and Bette Ellis and Mrs. Evelyn Gregory, who shared the award as best supporting actress.
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