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Ann Arbor Civic Theatre 1966 Season Awards Winners, May 1966

Ann Arbor Civic Theatre 1966 Season Awards Winners, May 1966 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, June 6, 1966
Civic Theatre President Robert Seeman (left) poses with winners of top "Oscars" at the group's annual awards banquet. They are (left to right) Veitch Reinhart, who received a "best actress" award for her performance in "Never Too Late"' Joseph Medrano, who was chosen "best supporting actor" for roles in "A View From the Bridge" and "All the Way Home;" Sunny LaFave, named "best supporting actress" for her singing and acting in "Kiss Me Kate," and Alice Crawford, whose set design for the same show, voted the "best show of the year," received an award.

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