Mrs. Romney, President Harlan Hatcher and wife, Anne, and their children, opening night, University of Michigan's Professional Theatre Program, September 19, 1966
Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 20, 1966
University President and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher were hosts Monday evening at a gala opening of the Fifth Fall Festival of the U-M's Professional Theatre Program. In the party to see Helen Hayes' debut with the APA Company were Gov. George Romney's daughters, Mrs. Larry Keenan of Birmingham (from left), Ann Arborite Mrs. Bruce Robinson, Mrs. Romney, the Hatchers and their children, Radcliffe College student Anne and U-M student Robert.
Ann Arbor News, September 20, 1966
University President and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher were hosts Monday evening at a gala opening of the Fifth Fall Festival of the U-M's Professional Theatre Program. In the party to see Helen Hayes' debut with the APA Company were Gov. George Romney's daughters, Mrs. Larry Keenan of Birmingham (from left), Ann Arborite Mrs. Bruce Robinson, Mrs. Romney, the Hatchers and their children, Radcliffe College student Anne and U-M student Robert.
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