Ann Arbor Civic Theatre 1969 Season Awards Winners, June 1969
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Ann Arbor News, June 9, 1969
They Are Tops In Theatre Group - Award winners in the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre voting are (left to right) Dwight Stevenson, president of the organization who accepted the award that went to Alice Crawford for her set design in "South Pacific," Ron Beebe, best supporting actor, Madeleine Ramsey, best actress, Michael Bott, best actor, Judy Riecker, best supporting actress, and Howard Travis, co-director with his wife Priscilla of the "best show."
Ann Arbor News, June 9, 1969
They Are Tops In Theatre Group - Award winners in the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre voting are (left to right) Dwight Stevenson, president of the organization who accepted the award that went to Alice Crawford for her set design in "South Pacific," Ron Beebe, best supporting actor, Madeleine Ramsey, best actress, Michael Bott, best actor, Judy Riecker, best supporting actress, and Howard Travis, co-director with his wife Priscilla of the "best show."
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