Members of the University's Television Center plan to film a documentary in Antarctica, October 1963

Ann Arbor News, October 3, 1963
PLAN ANTARCTIC TRIP: John Alley (right), assistant film editor at the University's Television Center, points to an Explorer's Club flag he hopes to plant at the South Pole during a two-man U-M expedition to Antarctica this month to make a documentary TV film on the frozen continent. Looking on (left to right) are Lee M. (Mack) Woodruff, U-M TV production supervisor who will accompany Alley and direct the filming; Prof. Garnet R. Garrison, the University's director of broadcasting and television; and Prof.Donald F. Eschman, chairman of the geology and mineralogy department which is co-operating in the project.
United States Research and Exploration in Antarctica
University of Michigan - Research
University of Michigan Television Center
South Pole
University of Michigan - Department of Geology & Minearlology
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Garnet R. Garrison
Lee M. Woodruff Sr.
Donald F. Eschman
Doug Fulton