Demolition Of Morris Hall - University Of Michigan Campus Landmark, April 1946

Published In
Ann Arbor News, April 4, 1946
CAMPUS LANDMARK RAZED: Morris Hall, a campus landmark which formerly served as the residence of faculty members and for the past 18 years as the home of the University Broadcasting Studio, is being razed this week to make way for the University's new general service building across from Angell Hall. At one time Morris Hall served as the home of the late Prof. George S. Morris, formerly of the modern language and literature department. Charles Beyland Guerard de Nancrede, professor of surgery at the University, later occupied the house with his family. In 1915 the building was purchased by the Catholic church as a site for a student chapel, and in 1922 the regents purchased the property, adapting it for use as a broadcasting studio and for band rehearsals.
Ann Arbor News, April 4, 1946
CAMPUS LANDMARK RAZED: Morris Hall, a campus landmark which formerly served as the residence of faculty members and for the past 18 years as the home of the University Broadcasting Studio, is being razed this week to make way for the University's new general service building across from Angell Hall. At one time Morris Hall served as the home of the late Prof. George S. Morris, formerly of the modern language and literature department. Charles Beyland Guerard de Nancrede, professor of surgery at the University, later occupied the house with his family. In 1915 the building was purchased by the Catholic church as a site for a student chapel, and in 1922 the regents purchased the property, adapting it for use as a broadcasting studio and for band rehearsals.
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