Students & Volunteers Greet Each Other At The International Center, September 9, 1960
Ann Arbor News, September 9, 1960
Tea or Coffee? Getting acquainted at the International Center are (left to right) Mrs. Basir Farukhi of Karachi, Pakistan, a graduate student in the School of Education who has a Fulbright Scholarship; Mrs. Louis Apostolakis, W. Washington St., a member of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in the United Church Women organization; volunteer worker Mrs. Duane Smith of Scio Church St., and Thomas Lee of China, a graduate student in chemical and metallurgical engineering. Nearly 60 per cent of the foreign students attending the University are graduate or graduate-professional students, according to Mrs. Henry Meyer, administrative assistant at the center.
University Of Michigan International Center
International Students
University of Michigan - Students
University of Michigan School of Education
Fulbright scholarship
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
United Church Women
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Basir Farukhi
Mrs. Louis Apostolakis
Mrs. Duane Smith
Thomas Lee
Mrs. Henry Meyer
Doug Fulton
515 E Jefferson St