A. Bret Waller, John Holmes, and Nesta Spink Hanging Japanese Scrolls at University of Michigan Museum of Art, January 1974

Published In
Ann Arbor News, January 13, 1974
Preparing Exhibit A. Bret Waller (center) hangs an 18th century Japanese scroll in the University Museum of Art with the aid of Museum Curators John Holmes (left) and Nesta Spink for a major exhibit originating here and then headed coast-to-coast. (Ann Arbor News photo by Eck Stanger)
Ann Arbor News, January 13, 1974
Preparing Exhibit A. Bret Waller (center) hangs an 18th century Japanese scroll in the University Museum of Art with the aid of Museum Curators John Holmes (left) and Nesta Spink for a major exhibit originating here and then headed coast-to-coast. (Ann Arbor News photo by Eck Stanger)
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