Kiwanis Club of Greater Ypsilanti Prepares for Bologna Sale, April 1961
Published In
Ann Arbor News, April 13, 1961
READY FOR BOLOGNA SALE: Members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ypsilanti will confuct their second annual sale of Bologna in area industrial plants and on downtown Ypsilanti streets tomorrow and Saturday. Pictured here among the 3,000 pounds of bologna to be sold are (from left) Edwin E. Ensign, Club President James A. Dunbar and Thomas R. East, project chair.
Ann Arbor News, April 13, 1961
READY FOR BOLOGNA SALE: Members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ypsilanti will confuct their second annual sale of Bologna in area industrial plants and on downtown Ypsilanti streets tomorrow and Saturday. Pictured here among the 3,000 pounds of bologna to be sold are (from left) Edwin E. Ensign, Club President James A. Dunbar and Thomas R. East, project chair.
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