Broken Stained Glass Windows at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Ypsilanti, November 1957

Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 13, 1957
Stained Church Windows Broken: Three teenaged boys throwing stones wrecked this stained-glass window scene of Christ as a Shepherd at Ypsilanti's Emmanuel Lutheran Church. They also broke about 10 other panes in another stained-glass window. The youths, who gave no reasons for their actions, were arrested yesterday and will be turned over to county juvenile authorities.
Ann Arbor News, November 13, 1957
Stained Church Windows Broken: Three teenaged boys throwing stones wrecked this stained-glass window scene of Christ as a Shepherd at Ypsilanti's Emmanuel Lutheran Church. They also broke about 10 other panes in another stained-glass window. The youths, who gave no reasons for their actions, were arrested yesterday and will be turned over to county juvenile authorities.
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