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Ypsilanti Firemen Playing Cribbage, October 1954

Ypsilanti Firemen Playing Cribbage, October 1954 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 13, 1954
FIREMAN HAS REAL BEGINNER'S LUCK: Ypsilanti Fireman W. Robert Smith (seated at left with cards), who learned to play cribbage less than three weeks ago from another fireman, O. Shreve Waldenmyer (left), last night held the maximum 29-point cribbage hand. Although Ypsilanti firefighters play cribbage almost constantly when not on duty, none of them could recall anyone ever holding the "dream" hand of a jack and three fives with an extra (cut) five in the same suit as the jack. Loser of the abbreviated game was Donald R. Green (right), while Lt. Aaron Carson (center, background) witnessed the rarity at the Fire Hall.

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