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Champions at Ypsilanti Parks and Recreation Department's field day, Recreation Park, August 6, 1960

Champions at Ypsilanti Parks and Recreation Department's field day, Recreation Park, August 6, 1960 image
Published In
Ypsilanti Daily Press, August 6, 1960
THESE CITY CHAMPSION were victorious at the Parks and Recreation Department's field day, which was held at Recreation Park Friday. Left to right, front row: Gregory Hall, Beverly Green, Deborah Easley, Diane Atkins and Sharon Green. Second row: Thomas Taddie, Jerry Minor, Treva Atkins, John Campbell, Ronny Gillentine, Mary Isbell and Paul Easley. Third row: Donald Collins, Rufus Edwards, Larry Williams, Kenneth Easley, Janet Hunter and Darretta Rutledge. And last row: John Hill, Roy Hunter and Gloria Gibas.

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