Lou Hollway Near Retirement As Ann Arbor High School Athletic Director, January 1962
Published In
Ann Arbor News, January 25, 1962
STILL SMILING: In 40 years as Ann Arbor High coach and athletic director and a number of years as the school's physical education director and the city's recreation director, Lou Hollway has had many ups and a few downs. A laugh and a smile and a "no-gripe" philosophy always have helped him over the rough spots.
Ann Arbor News, January 25, 1962
STILL SMILING: In 40 years as Ann Arbor High coach and athletic director and a number of years as the school's physical education director and the city's recreation director, Lou Hollway has had many ups and a few downs. A laugh and a smile and a "no-gripe" philosophy always have helped him over the rough spots.
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