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POW Captain Jack Butcher signs an autograph, April 1973

POW Captain Jack Butcher signs an autograph, April 1973 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, April 15, 1973
Autographs Sought: Capt. Butcher was delayed in reaching a reception table at the American Legion post Saturday when youngsters besieged him for autographs. George Harms, state membership chairman for the Legion who coordinated the program, provided the teen-agers with paper plates on which Capt. Butcher, left, signed his name. Earlier the returned prisoner met, right, with another former POW, Marine Capt. James Warner of Ypsilanti, and his mother, Mrs. Virginia Warner. Capt. Butcher and his wife, Dawn, have their backs to the camera as they speak with the Warners.

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