Clarence Fingerle & Joe Potter - City Cribbage Champions & Their Prizes, February 1949
Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 1, 1949
CHAMPION AND RUNNER-UP: Clarence Fingerle (left), Ann Arbor's new city cribbage champion, holds his first-prize wrist watch and also takes a moment to admire the radio won by the runner-up. Joe Potter, at the conclusion of the second annual city tournament. Finals were run off at the American Legion home last night. Fingerle and Potter went the full 11-game route before the title was decided. (Another cribbage tourney picture is on page 20).
Ann Arbor News, March 1, 1949
CHAMPION AND RUNNER-UP: Clarence Fingerle (left), Ann Arbor's new city cribbage champion, holds his first-prize wrist watch and also takes a moment to admire the radio won by the runner-up. Joe Potter, at the conclusion of the second annual city tournament. Finals were run off at the American Legion home last night. Fingerle and Potter went the full 11-game route before the title was decided. (Another cribbage tourney picture is on page 20).
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