League Of Women Voters Members Meet At Hathaway's Hideaway, January 1975

Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 3, 1975
TIMES HAVE CHANGED - When the local League of Women Voters first sought outside donations in 1942, its president and treasurer were nearly "blown out of the office" of the local Republican party chairman, who insisted they should be home washing diapers. Today, the League's annual finance drive is carefully planned by members of its finance committee and community leaders. Meeting at Hathaway's Hideaway from left are Barbara Dankert, Pat Pawelski, Susan Westerman, John Hathaway and Rosemarian Blake.
Ann Arbor News, February 3, 1975
TIMES HAVE CHANGED - When the local League of Women Voters first sought outside donations in 1942, its president and treasurer were nearly "blown out of the office" of the local Republican party chairman, who insisted they should be home washing diapers. Today, the League's annual finance drive is carefully planned by members of its finance committee and community leaders. Meeting at Hathaway's Hideaway from left are Barbara Dankert, Pat Pawelski, Susan Westerman, John Hathaway and Rosemarian Blake.
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