Spectators Wait At The Finish Line Of The Dexter-Ann Arbor Run, May 24, 1980

Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 25, 1980
Winners and Waiters: There are those who run, and those who stand and wait. The winner of the 1980 edition of the Dexter-Ann Arbor Run was city resident Peter Hallop, the event's first double winner. Above right, he is all smiles as he heads for the finish line. If he had run much faster, he might never have found the finish. Spectators and friends of the runners had the Huron High track pretty well jammed up just before the first runners appeared (below right). Among the top finishers was 12-year old Peter Cotton, left, who improved his time and finished in the top 100 in the 15-mile race.
Ann Arbor News, May 25, 1980
Winners and Waiters: There are those who run, and those who stand and wait. The winner of the 1980 edition of the Dexter-Ann Arbor Run was city resident Peter Hallop, the event's first double winner. Above right, he is all smiles as he heads for the finish line. If he had run much faster, he might never have found the finish. Spectators and friends of the runners had the Huron High track pretty well jammed up just before the first runners appeared (below right). Among the top finishers was 12-year old Peter Cotton, left, who improved his time and finished in the top 100 in the 15-mile race.
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