Christine Smith, Michigan Lions' White Cane Queen, With Michigan Eye Bank Director, Patricia J. Krause, April 1977

Published In
Ann Arbor News, April 19, 1977
Christine Smith, Michigan Lions' White Cane queen for 1977 and a University freshman, pledges her corneas for transplants during a visit to the Michigan Eye Bank offices at the U-M's Parkview Medical Center. Christine, blind since the age of 6, is assisted by Eye Bank director Patricia J. Krause. Although she is blind, Christine's corneas are healthy. Her blindness was caused by an optic nerve tumor. She will reign over White Cane Week in which local Lions Clubs will participate. A bucket drive will be conducted April 29 - May 1.
Ann Arbor News, April 19, 1977
Christine Smith, Michigan Lions' White Cane queen for 1977 and a University freshman, pledges her corneas for transplants during a visit to the Michigan Eye Bank offices at the U-M's Parkview Medical Center. Christine, blind since the age of 6, is assisted by Eye Bank director Patricia J. Krause. Although she is blind, Christine's corneas are healthy. Her blindness was caused by an optic nerve tumor. She will reign over White Cane Week in which local Lions Clubs will participate. A bucket drive will be conducted April 29 - May 1.
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