Eberwhite School Students Display Their Life Masks, May 1979

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Ann Arbor News, May 23, 1979
Fifth grade students at Eberwhite School tried some ancient Egyptian art recently and came up with likenesses of themselves. The plaster images, dressed in the students' own clothes, were made to look as realistic as possible with actual plastic molds of the children's faces. Shown with their masks are Robin Payne (rear), Joyce Collins (from left), Sonja Wilson, Eileen Poree and Megan Dorsey. Art teacher Joan Beaver directed the project. The "life masks" were displayed Tuesday for the school's annual art and music night. (Staff photo by Robert Chase).
Ann Arbor News, May 23, 1979
Fifth grade students at Eberwhite School tried some ancient Egyptian art recently and came up with likenesses of themselves. The plaster images, dressed in the students' own clothes, were made to look as realistic as possible with actual plastic molds of the children's faces. Shown with their masks are Robin Payne (rear), Joyce Collins (from left), Sonja Wilson, Eileen Poree and Megan Dorsey. Art teacher Joan Beaver directed the project. The "life masks" were displayed Tuesday for the school's annual art and music night. (Staff photo by Robert Chase).
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