Rabbi Aharon & Alter Goldstein Tour Ann Arbor With The Chabad House's Mobile Menorah, December 1988

Published In
Ann Arbor News, December 9, 1988
HAPPY HANUKKAH - Rabbi Aharon Goldstein and his son Alter, 13, tour town Thursday as part of celebrations for the Jewish Festival of Lights. Hanukkah ends at sundown on Sunday. The Chabad House at 715 Hill St. is holding events today and Saturday. Call 995-3276 for more information. Yakov Kantor and Dave Srolovitz helped build the car's mechanical greeting, which lights up.
Ann Arbor News, December 9, 1988
HAPPY HANUKKAH - Rabbi Aharon Goldstein and his son Alter, 13, tour town Thursday as part of celebrations for the Jewish Festival of Lights. Hanukkah ends at sundown on Sunday. The Chabad House at 715 Hill St. is holding events today and Saturday. Call 995-3276 for more information. Yakov Kantor and Dave Srolovitz helped build the car's mechanical greeting, which lights up.
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