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Stan Szymaski eyes the Paczki at Dough Boy's Bakery on Fat Tuesday, February 1991

Stan Szymaski eyes the Paczki at Dough Boy's Bakery on Fat Tuesday, February 1991 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 12, 1991
Paczki Day - Stan Szymaski was one of a crowd of pasty lovers who showed up early at Dough Boys Bakery, 2380 W Stadium Blvd., early today to purchase paczki, the jelly- or cream-filled doughballs that are traditionally eaten on Fat Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. It's a Polish tradition that calls for everyone to eat up any sweets before the 40 days of fasting during Lent begins. A paczek (the singular of paczki) has more eggs and butter in the batter to make them lighter and richer than the typical jelly doughnut -- though certainly no lower in calories.

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