John Mayer sells fellow Buhr Machine Tool Co. co-worker John Dieterle a bond during the War Bond Drive, April 1943

Published In
Ann Arbor News, April 8, 1943
WAR WORKERS KEEP BOND SALES MOVING: Ann Arbor's and Washtenaw's war workers, along with the city's and county's other residents, are getting a good start toward raising their share of the $13, 000,000,000 War Loan Campaign which opened here Monday. John Mayer, a Buhr Machine Tool Co. Galiant, right above, sells a $1,000 War Bond to his fellow worker, John Dieterle in continued proof that Ann Arborites are solidly behind the President's campaign slogan, "They give their lives. We lend our money." Washtenaw's guota for the April drive is $6,380,000 in bond sales and the amount means cash value of bonds sold, not maturity value.
Ann Arbor News, April 8, 1943
WAR WORKERS KEEP BOND SALES MOVING: Ann Arbor's and Washtenaw's war workers, along with the city's and county's other residents, are getting a good start toward raising their share of the $13, 000,000,000 War Loan Campaign which opened here Monday. John Mayer, a Buhr Machine Tool Co. Galiant, right above, sells a $1,000 War Bond to his fellow worker, John Dieterle in continued proof that Ann Arborites are solidly behind the President's campaign slogan, "They give their lives. We lend our money." Washtenaw's guota for the April drive is $6,380,000 in bond sales and the amount means cash value of bonds sold, not maturity value.
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