Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Notes Big Changes To University of Michigan Campus Since 1921, July 1947

Published In
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1947
Things Have Changed: Wherever he went yesterday on his tour of the campus, Dewey exclaimed at the manifold changes that have come over the University. Above he listens reflectively while Daily Co-Managing Editor John Campbell tells him what the publication is like nowadays. The tour was taken, Dewey said, to "sell" his son, Tom, on the University.
Ann Arbor News, August 1, 1947
Things Have Changed: Wherever he went yesterday on his tour of the campus, Dewey exclaimed at the manifold changes that have come over the University. Above he listens reflectively while Daily Co-Managing Editor John Campbell tells him what the publication is like nowadays. The tour was taken, Dewey said, to "sell" his son, Tom, on the University.
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