George A. Davis, Retiring Ann Arbor Park Department Employee, Paints A Bench, March 1949

Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 18, 1949
Church groups which hold their annual picnics at West Park will miss the help of George A. Davis, veteran Park Department employe, this summer. Davis (above) is retiring today after 25 years of service with the city. He is pictured on his last day at work, painting one of the West Park benches for summer use.
Ann Arbor News, March 18, 1949
Church groups which hold their annual picnics at West Park will miss the help of George A. Davis, veteran Park Department employe, this summer. Davis (above) is retiring today after 25 years of service with the city. He is pictured on his last day at work, painting one of the West Park benches for summer use.
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