New Lincoln Consolidated School to Be Completed by Sept. 15, Will Occupy Site of Original Building, August 30 1926
Lincoln Consolidated Schools
Building & Construction
Fires - Washtenaw County
Michigan State Normal College
Augusta Township
Michigan State Board of Education
Elections - Augusta Township
Has Photo
Ann Arbor News
Old News
H. A. Tape
M. S. Pittman
Henry Champion
W. M. Derbyshire
Charles McKenny
G. N. Otwell
J. W. Talladay
Frank Rowe
O. E. Vedder
John Dawson
Warren S. Holmes
John Bunton
R. A. Green
Ina Champion
Harry Wright
Jay Talladay
Lelia Linder
Roland Lambkin
Charles Hammond
Robert Hemphill
William Crocker
Mrs. William Crocker
H. E. Laing
Estella M. Bauch
Ruth Brown
R. F. McDaid
Mable E. Turner
Dorothy Nelson
Kate Houx
Sadie Tow
Jennie Romp
Elizabeth Whittlesey
Robert Peel
Donald Morrison
Ralph Dale Bruce
Agnes Kerlin
Christina M. Ward
Grace D. Bailey
Myrtle Kilbourne
Anna Feurstein
Bessie Sargeant
Carmin Schmedley
Mattie Lyda