Ann Arbor Ready To Open Airport; Hangar Complete
ANN ARBOR READY TO OPEN AIRPORT: HANGAR COMPLETE Planes and Automobiles Wi Carry Guests to Dedication Luncheon Tuesday, Selfridge Flyers W1 Participate Ann Arbor's municipal airport will be dedicated Tuesday noon with a program befitting the city's formal entrance in a new epoch of its history. Planes and automobiles will take to the airdrobe guests who will have luncheon in the new hangar and his ten to addresses on plans for the future and reports on past achievements that placed the community on the airlanes of the nation. City 2.d county official, Bombers of the Ann Arbor Flying club. Chamber of Commerce and Exchange, Rotary und Kiwani clubs *1!! &riend the Tuesday noor luncheon in the "w hangat. Sponsors o! Tuesdays celebration espact Got Fred W. Green and 0.5cia is or the Ford Motor Car CO 10 appear for the ceremony. Planes of the first purtu! croup rom selfridge Field. commanded by Col Charles H. Duniarth. are scheduled to fly here for participation in the program. A tri-motored cabin ship and the crafts in the Me Ti. Ik wervice also win bring guests to the dedica uon ceremony. Mayor to Speat The program at the Juncbeer: under the harigr l be repes volt a notation by R. ADNNOT Pay Hea pt. pastor Of Concre cational churrt. Mrror Deward W. Staebler !!! make the first ad. dreas "Ann Arbor'* Pank" The mesage from the council will be deltrered by Ald. H. X. Sauson while L. D. Wines for many year a member of the park boerd. 17 I speak on "Keepias Abreast of the Times." Jerome Butherin. asetant trai fic manager of Thompson AeronauLa corporation will address the E t bis on "Ann Arbor' ir mail. Shirley W. Smith. recretary and business manager of University of Michigan, will outline the biotory of airport activities Ann Arbor can boost of its katr. Dort s . product of one . bor on the part of its fer-minded Transportation to Be Provided The Ann Arbor Automobile Dealers amocation and Am Ar. bor Real Estate board will pro ride transportation from the Chamber of Commero te the airport at 11:4 Tuoday morn The public, including somen of the city. are invited to at tend the dedication program. An persons without transporta ton are advised to report the designated - - latera. Encountering pattern Itrom skepties the advocate of ety airport ravs time and daher logaty. The movement for din fex ww started in Jals of 1910 EH A. Gallus. sant peciate Land Hackley Butler, pant com sioner, collaborated on as to for airdrote purpos acres of Steere farm property. The land was tereped saltable w Prof. Feliz Parlond seronautial - fineering department of the Calversity. She was asked for advice trom the set depertment. report tramitar Xr. Buller reeled the airport plans to the water communion rich. after considerable d e lation, traterred the preports to the park department, ont of city councha o it at the park baard soul Itho repona Mhes of Gordoping at maintaining the acrece On Sept. 1, 1926, a nonlution submitted by the park cat to the council for ipad and oa D P. Maher du to which the fermed offered to making the transitor to department. * tonniaetions uneltype | Aner stridelnette obtained and the Chem serce a prate I plan of the te wees I the catre Campher, Col de ed the layout and arst dans Lleol me leter m ager at the derruiment and has built take over der condi tract at modele
Ann Arbor Municipal Airport
Flo Flying Service
Airplane Pilots
Ann Arbor Flying Club
Ann Arbor Automobile Dealers Association
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Allison Ray Heaps
Leonard S. Flo
Edward W. Staebler
Eli A. Gallup
Herbert Slauson
L. D. Wines
Jerome Sutherin
Shirley W. Smith
Fred W. Green
Hackley Butler
801 Airport Dr
Ann Arbor Airport