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Mrs. Ella M. Hall Passes Away Here

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Mrs. Ella M. Hall
Passes Away Here

Mrs. Ella M. Hall, 80, widow of the late Eugene B. Hall, and a resident of Ann Arbor the past 53 years, died at 6 o'clock Friday evening at her home at 1430 Cambridge road. Mrs. Hall made her home on Cambridge road the past 28 years. She was a member of Sarah Caswell Angell chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution. Mr. Hall died 25 years ago today.
She is survived by a son, Dr. Harry L. Hall of Jersey City, N.J., a sister, Mrs. L. L. Medaris of Ann Arbor; and several grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the residence, with Dr. Henry Tatlock officiating. Interment will be in Forest Hill cemetery.