Cemetery Group Honors Hutzel

Named Superintendent-Emeritus Of Forest Hill
Titus F. Hutzel, business and civic leader, was appointed superintendent-emeritus of Forest Hill Cemetery Co. yesterday following his resignation as a member of the board of trustees. He served as a trustee for 21 years.
The family connection with the cemetery company, however, is continued in the election of Mr. Hutzel’s son, August F. Hutzel, to succeed him on the board. Mr. Hutzel, sr., was instrumental in furthering much of the cemetery’s development in the two decades of his board membership.
His grandparents on his mother’s side of the family, Jonathan Henry and Juliane Louise Haller Mann, who came here in 1830, are buried in the cemetery. The cemetery, when it was established, was located in Ann Arbor township, and the city now extends a mile beyond it, Mr. Hutzel pointed out today in discussing its development.
12,000 Buried There
There now are 12,000 burials in this 65-acre cemetery. “The cemetery is outstanding because of its growing historical interest,” Mr. Hutzel said. “Many persons prominent in the development of Ann Arbor, the University and the state are buried there.”
Regent Junius E. Beal was re-elected president at yesterday’s meeting and the other officers chosen are: Vice president, Joseph L. Arnet; treasurer, Alfred F. Staeb; and secretary, Mrs. Howard K. Holland.
Mr. Beal and V. E. Van Ameringen were re-elected trustees for three-year terms, and Mr. Hutzel, newly elected, also will serve for three years.
Others on the board are Mr. Arnet, Fred Rentschler, Fred T. McOmber, Edward W. Staebler, Charles R. Henderson and Mr. Staeb. Joe Steeb was reappointed superintendent of building and grounds.
Forest Hill Cemetery
Ann Arbor News
Old News
Charles R. Henderson
Victor E. Van Ameringen
Titus F. Hutzel
Mrs. Howard K. Holland
Junius E. Beal
Juliane Louise Haller Mann
Joseph L. Arnet
Jonathan Henry Mann
Joe Steeb
J. Fred Rentschler
Fred Trowbridge McOmber
August F. Hutzel
Alfred F. Staeb