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Charles Peck

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(Special to The News) YPSILANTI - Charles Peck, 78 years old, life-long resident of Ypsilanti and for many years an employe of the city, died yesterday at his home, 401 E. Forest Ave., where he was born and had lived throughout his life. Death was caused by pneumonia with which he was stricken last Tuesday while in Detroit, where he was called by the death of his sister, Mrs. Carrie Van Volkenberg. Mr. Peck was born Feb. 28, 1860, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Peck, and in 1890 he married Miss Minnie Nissly of Saline, who died 12 years ago. He is survived by one brother, Dwight, of this city. The father also spent his entire life, from the age of nine months, in the Forest Ave. home. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at Emanuel Lutheran church. Rev. Hugo Fenker will officiate, and burial will be in Highland cemetery here.