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Edwin J. Lohr Passes At Home

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Edwin J. Lohr
Passes At Home

Retired Real Estate Dealer
Was 76 Years Old

Edwin J. Lohr, retired real es-
tate dealer, died at his home at
810 W. Huron St. last night fol-
lowing an illness of several months.
He was 76 years old and a life-
long resident of Washtenaw coun-

Mr. Lohr was born Jan. 4, 1865,
in Lodi township, the son of Philip
and Mary Ann Bach Lohr, pioneer
settlers in the county. He had liv-
ed in Ann Arbor the last 25 years,
first being in the men's clothing
business on S. University Ave. and
later, for about 20 years, in the
real estate business.

He was a member of the Zion
Lutheran church and Golden Rule
lodge, F. & A. M., and a past mem-
ber of the local real estate board,
He married Mrs. Pauline Schn
of Ann Arbor, Nov. 26, 1837.
leaves his wife, a brother, Albert
Lohr of Battle Creek, and several
nieces and nephews.

Funeral services will be held
at 1:30 Saturday afternoon at the
Muehlig chapel, with Rev. E. C.
| Stellhorn officiating. Burial will
| be in Forest Hill cemetery. Friends
may call at the chapel.