Track Squad Beats Illinois; Baseball Team Is Winner

Track Squad Beats Illinois; Baseball Team Is Winner
Fishman Victor On Mound; Ostroot And Ufer Star In Meet
McCarthy Is Hurt But Ken’s Boys Are Winners
Coach Ken Doherty’s Michigan track team licked Illinois Saturday by a score of 69 1/3 to 52 2/3, but Ken is not satisfied. This week Ken takes his team down to Columbus for a dual meet with the Buckeyes and on the next weekend the Wolverines participate in the Big Ten meet at Chicago.
Sweeping all three places in the 100 and 220-yard dashes, Michigan won over the Illini Saturday despite the fact that “Iron-Man" Frank McCarthy competed in only one event. Mac usually competes in both hurdles races, the high jump and the broad jump.
But while leaping to second place in the broad jump Saturday, McCarthy strained some muscles under his right leg and as a precautionary measure he was kept out of the other events. He is expected to be okey for the Ohio meet this week-end and for the conference meet the following week.
Illini Withdraw From Relay
Without the services of McCarthy, Michigan swept into such a lead Saturday afternoon that Coach Leo Johnson of Illinois withdrew his relay team from the final event.
And at that spot you have to give the Michigan fans credit. There was not a single “boo” from the crowd although the relay event is one of the most exciting on the program. Of course, Michigan would have won the relay easily and Coach Johnson figured that his two key men, Bob Kelly and Bob Rehberg had already doubled in two events and that an additional race might injure one of them with the Big Ten meet coming up in two weeks.
Bob Ufer and George Ostroot were double winners for the Wolverines, Ufer running to victories in the 220 and 440-yard dashes while Ostroot was triumphant in the shot put and discus throw.
With McCarthy out of action, Coach Ken Doherty spent many anxious minutes Saturday afternoon but when Al Thomas, Capt. Bud Peil and Chuck Donahey scored a slam in the 100 and came back in the same order to sweep the 220, Ken’s worries were relieved.
Gale Sweeps Track
Capt. Peil ran admirably despite a foot injury while Donahey scored his first points for Michigan in the sprints.
A tornado wind which swept down the track made all times unofficial. Coach Doherty was well pleased with the outstanding performances of some of his second-stringers. He was surprised when Donahey grabbed third place in both dashes. He was extremely pleased when George Petterson of Evanston, Ill., took third in the strenuous 440 with the final part of this race being run against the wind. Henry Schmidt, a sophomore from Grand Rapids, did better in the meet than he had ever done before when he leaped six feet and one-quarter of an inch to gain second place in the high jump. In this same event an unheralded boy by the name of Livius Stroia gained a tie for the third for Michigan.
The summaries:
Mile Run—Won by Seib, Illinois: second, Dunn, Illinois; third, Ackerman, Michigan. Time 4:36.6.
440-yard dash—Won by Ufer, Michigan; second, Rehberg, Illinois; third, Petterson, Michigan. Time :48.5.
100-yard Dash—Won by Thomas, Michgan; second, Piel, Michigan; third, Donahey, Michigan. Time :09.8.
Shot Put—Won by Ostroot, Michigan, 46 feet, 3 1/4 inches; second, Hirsch, Michigan, 45 feet, 7 1/4 inches; third, Mail, Illinois, 44 feet, 10 3/4 inches.
120-yard High Hurdles—Won by Olsen, Illinois; second, Byerly, Michigan; third, Lahey, Michigan. Time :14.7.
880-yard Run—Won by Rehberg, Illinois; second, Matthews, Michigan; third, Kautz, Michigan. Time 1:56.0.
220-yard Run—Won by Ufer, Michigan; second, Piel, Michigan; third, Donahey, Michigan. Time :21.3.
High Jump—Won by Edwards, Illinois, 6 feet, 2 1/4 inches; second, Schmidt, Michigan, 6 feet; tie for third among Crane, Illinois, Starck, Illinois, and Stroia, Michigan, 5 feet, 10 inches.
Broad Jump—Won by Lewis, Illinois, 23 feet, 2 1/4 inches; second, McCarthy, Michigan, 22 feet, 2 3/4 inches; third, Gould, Illinois, 22 feet, 1 1/2 inches.
Discus Throw—Won by Ostroot, Michigan, 139 feet, 1 1/2 inches; second, Brown, Illinois 123 feet, 4 3/4 inches; third, Hirsch, Michigan, 115 feet, 4 1/2 inches.
220-yard Low Hurdles—Won by Olsen, Illinois; second, Thomas, Michigan; third, Pinney, Michigan. Time :23.8.
THEY DON’T JUMP THE GUN ON DOC: For 41 years Dr. George A. May, Michigan’s physical education professor, has been pulling the trigger on the gun that starts the races in Michigan’s track meet. It has been his boast that no one ever “jumped the gun” when he was starter.
In the Michigan-Illinois track meet Saturday which was dedicated to him, Doc May lived up to his reputation. In the above picture Bob Crane of Illinois tried to “beat the gun.” He already is off his mark in the 220-low hurdle race, but Doc. May has not fired his pistol and the whistle already is on its way to his lips, calling back the runners.
The Big Ten will honor Dr. May at Evanston, Ill., on May 22 and 23 by appointing him honorary referee of the Western Conference outdoor meet.
University of Michigan - Faculty & Staff
University of Michigan - Athletics
Track & Field
Michigan Wolverines
Illinois Fighting Illini
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Old News
Ann Arbor News
Livius Stroia
Leo Johnson
Ken Doherty
Henry Schmidt
George Petterson
George Ostroot
George A. May
Frank McCarthy
Chuck Donahey
Bud Peil
Bob Ufer
Bob Rehberg
Bob Kelley
Bob Crane
Al Thomas