C. J. Hutzel, Business Man, Passes At 66

Owner of Women's Apparel Shop Dies In Hospital After Brief Illness
Charles J. Hutzel, 66, owner of the C. J. Hutzel Women's Apparel shop at 301 S. Main St., and for many years a leading Ann Arbor business man, died at 4:10 yesterday afternoon in the University hospital. Death was reported caused by acute pancreatitis.
He was taken to the hospital at 1:40 Monday morning following a severe attack he suffered shortly before midnight on Sunday at his home, 2108 Scottwood Ave.
Mr. Hutzel had been prominent in Ann Arbor civic affairs for many years. He was president of the Chamber of Commerce in 1939 and had been a director of the organization. In 1930 he was an unsuccessful candidate for mayor on the Democratic ticket.
Former Fair Manager
In addition, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the State Savings Bank and was president of the Investment Associates. He was also noted for his work over a period of years as manager of the County Fair Board. He was a member of the Ann Arbor Club and a former member of the Exchange Club.
A native of Bridgewater, Mich., Mr. Hutzel came to Ann Arbor as a boy, and except for two or three years spent in Battle Creek, he was in business or working in Ann Arbor since he was 16 years old.
He first went to work as a clerk, at the John Gates grocery store on Main St., and later worked at the Mack & Co. drygoods and department store.
Formerly With Mack's
G. P. Collins of the Collins Shoppe came to Mack & Co. shortly after Mr. Hutzel's arrival, and the two men became close friends. When Mr. Hutzel left the Mack ready-to-wear department, Mr. Collins took over his position as manager, and Mr. Hutzel went to Battle Creek. On his return to Ann Arbor he opened his own shop, and has been in business for 26 years.
The day that Mr. Hutzel opened his new shop, the late Walter C. Mack, proprietor of Mack's department store, sent all his customers for the day over to Mr. Hutzel's store. Another department store owner, Eugene F. Mills, took a quarter-page advertisement in the paper to welcome Hutzel into business, saying that less shopping would have to be done in Detroit with another good store opening in the city.
Mr. Hutzel, who was born on June 2, 1876, the son of John Hutzel and the former Marie Walker, is survived by his wife, the former Mathilda Hagen, whom he married on June 11, 1901.
Also surviving are a son, Ray Hutzel, assistant treasurer of the Ann Arbor Construction Co.; a daughter, Virginia, wife of Harley J. McNeal, Cleveland, and three grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. McNeal were here at the time of Mr. Hutzel's death.
Funeral Tomorrow
Funeral services will be held at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Zion Lutheran church. Burial will be in Washtenong cemetery. Rev. E. C. Stellhorn will officiate.
Pallbearers for the service will be Arthur W. Stace, Ralph. H. Miller, Frank DeVine, Herman F. Gross, Albert Fiegel and Lewis G. Christman.
Friends may call at the Muehlig funeral chapel until 11 o'clock Saturday morning. The body will lie in state at the church after 12 o'clock noon.
Hutzel's Shop
State Savings Bank
Mack & Co. Department Store
Collins Shoppe
C.J. Hutzel Shops
Ann Arbor Construction Co.
Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce
Has Photo
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Walter C. Mack
Virginia Hutzel McNeal
Rev. Ernest C. Stellhorn
Raymond F. Hutzel
Ralph H. Miller
Mathilda Hagen Hutzel
Marie Walker Hutzel
Lewis G. Christman
John Hutzel
Herman F. Gross
Harley J. McNeal
Guernsey P. Collins
Frank DeVine
Eugene F. Mills
Charles J. Hutzel
Arthur W. Stace
Albert Fiegel
2108 Scottwood Ave