Dunbar Center To Mark Seven-Year Goal Achievement
Dunbar Center To Mark Seven-Year Goal Achievement
Will Celebrate Burning Of Its Mortgage By Ceremonies On Sunday
The Dunbar Community Association, Inc. will celebrate the burning of the mortgage on its Center at 420 N. Fourth Ave. In ceremonies at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
The celebration marks the achievement of a goal set seven years ago when the property was purchased. Since 1937 the Dunbar Association has not only raised the sum necessary to free its property of debt, but has made needed improvements on its plant amounting to several thousand dollars. This achievement of its objective has been made possible not only through the united efforts of its members but with the co-operation of the Community Fund Association, of which the Dunbar Center is a member agency, and by generous support from its many friends in the community.
The program Sunday afternoon will be given out-of-doors or over a public address system, or in Ann Arbor High school in case of rain. Arrangements have been made with the city authorities to close the streets adjacent to the Center during the program and until 6 o’clock, in order to allow for inspection of the Center. Boy Scouts and Girl Reserves will act as ushers, under the direction of Mrs. Charles Cromwell. Cars may be parked in the City Market on Detroit St., a block from the Center.
Ruthven To Speak
Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, president of the University, who spoke at the dedication of the Center seven years ago, will speak Sunday, representing the white citizens of the community, while John C. Dancy, executive director of the Detroit Urban League, will talk on "Intercultural Relationships."
A brief history of the Dunbar Center, prepared by Charles Cromwell, for several years secretary of the advisory board of the association, will be read by James Overby. The Dunbar Chorus and the Dunbar Quintet, under the direction of Mrs. Virginia Wilson Ellis, will sing several numbers. Following the program the Center will be open for public inspection from 4 o'clock until 6 o'clock.
Invitations for the celebration have been sent to all the churches in the city through their pastors, service clubs and other civic organizations who have been interested in the work of the Center. Lewis C. Reimann, chairman of the advisory board of the Dunbar Association, has expressed the hope that, in addition to the many friends who are familiar with the Center, others who have not seen it or do not know of the work being done there, will attend the program Sunday.
Dunbar Community Center
Dunbar Community Association Inc.
Ann Arbor Community Fund
Boy Scouts
Girl Reserves
University of Michigan - President
Detroit Urban League
Dunbar Choir
LOH Community Centers
LOH Community Centers - Dunbar
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Ethel Louise Turner Cromwell
Alexander Grant Ruthven
John C. Dancy
Charles S. Cromwell
James T. Overbey Jr.
Virginia Wilson Ellis
Lewis C. Reimann
420 N Fourth Ave